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Nepal Teej Festival | Haritalika Teej | Teej Celebration In Nepal

Written By Sahani Brothers on Sunday, September 1, 2019 | 12:05:00 PM


What is Teej ? When and How do we celebrate Teej ? 

Occurring around the month of August, Teej is a festival celebrated by women all over Nepal for three days. Decked up in red sarees and red tika, bangles, women sing and dance to traditional folk songs for days. It is specially significant for married women, when they get a special invitation to visit their maternal home and feast.

Following a long feast also known as Dar, the women, sit for a 24 hour long fasting , where most do not eat or even drink water. What is fascinating is to watch women of all age group, young and old, dance for hours in the heat , rain, without a drop of water or food for an entire day.

It is a sight to behold at the Pashupatinath temple, where thousands of women draped in Red and green throng the premises of the temple. Observers can take photos of these women dancing merrily , where sometimes foreigners, especially women tourists are requested to participate in the merry-making.

The significance of such a festival is for women to ask for special blessings by Lord Shiva, to have attain a good husband in life, and to pray for his longevity and prosperity.

On the final day of this three day festival Women satisfy seven saints offering them food, money and various offerings, and also bathing with Red mud and brushing their teeth with Datiwan (branches of a bush tree) hoping this purifies their body and soul.

What Is Teej ? When And How Teej Is Celebrated ? | Teej And Rishi Panchami

What is Teej

Teej is a festival celebrated by Nepali women, for the long life of her husband and long and firm relationship between them until the death this life and all the lives to come. Teej is observed for marital happiness, well-being of spouse and children and purification of own body and soul. Teej is  the most famous festival among Nepali women.

The folk music and dances add more flavor to traditional values of Teej. It is fascinating to see women, in “Red” dancing and singing on the street, going to temple in holy and fasting mood. Teej is also called Hari Talika Teej. This festival is celebrated by Nepali Hindu women all across the world.

Teej is a small red insect that comes out of the soil during the rainy season. It is said Teej got its name from the same red insect. That is why Teej is celebrated in red.

When is Teej

Teej is celebrated on 3rd day of Bhadra Sukala Paksha (according to Nepali lunar calendar). It generally falls in late August or early September

Teej is traditionally dedicated to the Goddess Parvati,   remembering her union with Lord Shiva. It is a three-day-long celebration that combines splendid feasts as well as rigid fasting.

Teej also welcomes and celebrates arrival of monsoon after a season of summer heat.

How do we celebrate Teej

The Eve (First day of Teej) is called Dar Khane Din. On this day all the family members especially the women, both married and unmarried gather at one place, in their finest outfits of red (called Saubhagya) and start dancing and singing devotional songs mixed with Nepali folk and Dohori songs.

This evening the grand feast takes place. The grand feast is called “Dar”. The fun often goes on till midnight, after midnight the 24-hour fasting starts.

What is Dar  दर
Women who go in fasting the very next day eat a very big feast...."daro khana" (दर्हो खाना) that means a heavy food in Nepali....it is said daro khane became dar. Whatever, the meaning is, they go for big feast that evening with deserts, mithai, nepali foods like sel, puri, fruits and non vegitarian foods like mottons and chicken by some communities.

The Second Day 

Second day is the main day of Teej (the fasting day). Some women take it very rigid, they even live without a piece of food and drops of water while some others take liquid and fruit. On this day, they happily dress in red, married women wear their lagan ko pote, nathhi, other jewelries and chadke tilahari ( jewelries are optional but chadke tilahari, laganko pote and natthi is said to be most important) and visit a nearby Lord Shiva’s temple singing and dancing all the way.

Most of devotees in Kathmandu go to Pashupatinath Temple. At the Shiva temple, women worship the Shiva lingam, the symbol of the lord Shiva, offering flowers, sweets and coins. The main puja (religious ceremony) takes place with offerings of flowers, fruits, etc., made to Shiva and Pārbati, pleading them to grant their blessing upon the husband and family. The most important part of the pooja is mostly done in the evening burning the oil lamp (108 sute batti in a diyo) which should be burning throughout the night. It is a tradition of giving the diyo of teej by her mother in law to the married woman.

Third Day Morning

Women get up early in the dawn and get cleaned and do the puja once again to the diyo and goddess Parvati. The most important part of this puja is a banana and holy basil (Tulsi patta) leaf. Only after this puja, women take solid food. This third day of Teej is Ganesh Chaturthati. Women eat Karkalo ko Tarkari with chokho (pure) food made with pure ghee. 

Rishi Panchami

The Fourth Day of the festival

After the completion of the previous day's pooja, women pay homage to various deities and bathe with red mud found on the roots of the sacred Datiwan bush, along with its leaves. This act of purification is the final ritual of Teej, after which women are considered forgiven from all their sins. The recent years have witnessed an adjustment in the rituals, especially regarding the strictness, but its spirit remains the same.

The actual date of inception of Teej is not known. However, it is celebrated by the women of Nepal and some part of India with lots of joy and enthusiasm. Most married women rich or poor observe this festival with fun.

Eating delicious food, popularly called dar, on the eve of Teej, and singing and dancing on the main day are the main features of this festival. On this particular day, the streets of Kathmandu turn into a sea of red with women dressed in red Sarees and Dhoties making their way to Shiva shrines, especially to the Pashupatinath Temple.


On Teej, the devotees do not eat and drink the whole day. They first offer worship to Lord Shiva and spend the rest of the day singing and dancing in the temple premises. Singing Teej songs like "Teej ko rahar aayo bari lai". Indeed, women are seen mostly in holy sites on this day. Men are not allowed to enter the most of Shiva Temples on this day.

Outside Kathmandu valley too, women gather in public places like roads and markets and enjoy the festival by singing and dancing.

Though the women fast throughout the day - refusing to take even a drop of water - Teej brings smiles on the faces of women in the cities and villages.

It is a rare opportunity for many married women in Nepali village to go to their mother’s home due to busy schedules in village farm works. The parents invite their daughters or send someone to bring their daughters to their home a day or two before the festival. There they contribute of the ritual food called dar before going on a fast on Teej. Interestingly, no daughter goes to her mother’s place during this festival unless they get an invitation from her parents or brothers. In case they do not get an invitation from their parents, they feel extremely sad - they say it is the saddest moment in their life.

The timing of the festival is practical in a rural society like ours as it falls immediately after the farm work is over. This festival takes place after the farmers finish weeding their paddy fields.

Hindu women across the country celebrate this festival with much fun, the food they eat in the form of "dar" varies from place to place. In hills of eastern Nepal they take porridge, sel roti and mutton in the form of dar whereas in western Nepal, they eat rice cooked in ghee which they call latte. In the city, pulau, sweets, mutton, fish make the main menu of dar.

These days it is becoming expensive to celebrate Teej as the people seem to be competing in inviting relatives and friends for the dar eating and spending more for other ritual practices.

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Are You Handing Over Your Passwords To Hackers?

Written By Sahani Brothers on Sunday, July 7, 2019 | 11:31:00 PM

Are You Handing Over Your Passwords To Hackers?

Tips To Keep Your Passwords Safe

Data theft and hacking is the nightmare that torments all corporate enterprises and entrepreneurs in today’s technology-driven business ecosystem. Therefore, password protection has assumed greater significance than ever. Passwords are the first line of defence against any malicious intent hackers, and it is imperative to use strong passwords to keep your computers and mobile devices safe from falling prey to hacking or identity theft.

Unfortunately, this is where poor password management practices adopted by employees bleed the organizations repeatedly. According to the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, more than 70% of employees reuse passwords at their workplace.  The report further states that 81% of hacking-related breaches are either due to stolen and/or weak passwords.

The Dropbox data breach, which resulted in a massive 60 million user credentials being stolen, had started with an employee reusing a password at work.  Ignoring the password security tips not just compromises the security of an individual user’s data but might also result in severe consequences for the organization. This could lead to a financial as well as credibility loss to the company.

To help you address this concern, enumerated below are 7 password protection best practices that enterprises use to defend themselves from cyber-attacks.

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1.Don’t choose a weak password:

It’s shocking to see that many people still use passwords such as “123456” or their name 1234. Such passwords make the devices more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. A strong password is a combination of alphabets, numbers, upper case, lower case and special characters. A long password is always considered to be safer by cybersecurity experts.

2.Use multifactor authentication:

With the increasing number of online services emails, internet banking, a lot of sensitive information of users is now stored in the mailbox. Only a password does not prove to be sufficient to secure these accounts, which demands the use of an additional layer of security. Many companies nowadays encourage their users to go for a secondary layer of security, which can be an OTP generated through call or SMS.

3.Create Password Blacklist:

Hacking attempts become successful mostly due to easy to guess passwords.  Hackers use a database containing most frequently used password formats to target online users. Organizations should educate the employees to maintain a password blacklist and avoid using mostly used password format.

4.Different accounts need different passwords:

Keeping the same passwords for multiple accounts may provide convenience to users but it opens the door for hackers. Often, users keep the same password for their personal and official accounts like Outlook, CRM etc. which many times bring the entire organization’s data at risk.

5.Apply Password Encryption:

Encryption provides advanced protection to online accounts even if the password is compromised. Reversible encryption or applying only one-way encryption are common tactics for password security. However, this method will be of no use, if the hackers manage to gain access to the organization’s database. End-to-end password encryption is still regarded as the best technique of password security.

However, these methods are ineffective—if an attacker obtains the password database, it would not be difficult to crack and compromise the passwords it contains. Instead, the best practice is to consider end-to-end encryption that is non-reversible.  Storing a password in plain text is considered to be the most dangerous practice as it’s easily accessible by cybercriminals.

6.Consider a password manager:

A password manager is a most widely used tool these days by users who have multiple accounts to manage and it’s cumbersome on his or her part to do the same. The tool keeps a complete track of the multiple user name and passwords kept. Users just need to load these passwords only once and use a master key to lock the same. So only the master key needs to be remembered by the user.

7.Arrange Regular Employee Training:

Training employees regarding various cybersecurity guidelines reduce data breach incidents considerably. It has been observed that more often data leaks occur in organizations when a curious employee clicks on phishing links received via emails. There is a need to periodically educate employees regarding the latest phishing prevention tips and password best practices.

The article has been written by Mr Sanjit Chatterjee, CEO of REVE Antivirus.

Hackers May Glean Your Password By Listening To How You Type On Your Phone

Hackers may glean your password by listening to how you type on your phone – The Denver Post

hat if scammers could learn your password not from a massive cyberattack or taking control of your device, but from listening in as you type?

That’s the startling premise of a recent study by researchers at Cambridge University and Sweden’s Linköping University who were able to glean passwords by deciphering the sound waves generated by fingers tapping on smartphone touch screens.

Malicious actors can decode what a person is typing by using a spying app that can access the smartphone’s microphone, according to the study, which was first reported by The Wall Street Journal. “We showed that the attack can successfully recover PIN codes, individual letters and whole words,” the researchers wrote.

A passive, sound-based attack could be executed if a person installs an app infected with such malware. “Many apps ask for this permission and most of us blindly accept the list of demanded permissions anyway,” the researchers wrote. Attackers also could also provide their target with a smartphone to which the malicious app was pre-installed.

The researchers designed a machine-learning algorithm that could decode vibrations for specific keystrokes. Among a test group of 45 people across several tests, the researchers could correctly replicate passwords on smartphones seven times out of 27, within 10 attempts. On tablets, the researchers achieved better results, nailing the password 19 times out of 27 within 10 attempts.

“We found the device’s microphone(s) can recover this wave and ‘hear’ the finger’s touch, and the wave’s distortions are characteristic of the tap’s location on the screen,” the researchers wrote. “Hence, by recording audio through the built-in microphone(s), a malicious app can infer text as the user enters it on their device.”

In this Jan. 17, 2012 file photo, a person tries a smartphone loaded with Google Wallet at the National Retail Federation in New York.

 The experiment ran on an Android application that allowed participants to enter letters and words on two LG Nexus 5 phones and a Nexus 9 tablet, according the paper. As the participants tapped in the passwords, the app recorded audio through the devices’ built-in microphones. To simulate a real-world environment, the researchers had participants enter passwords at three locations at a university, with different levels of background noise: a common room where a coffee machine was used, a reading room with computers and a library.

The study had not yet been peer reviewed, according to the report, or been published, but it is available online through a website maintained by Cornell University for academic research.

To guard against such attacks, the researchers suggested, smartphone makers might consider installing a switch that would allow users to shut off the microphone. Another option, they said, is to simply make it more obvious when the microphone is on, by flashing a light or an icon on the screen.

The research fits into a broader study of security vulnerabilities that exploit a device’s built-in sensors — such as cameras and accelerometers — to extract personal information from users without their knowledge.

Samsung J4 (2018) | SM J400F DS | Sim Network Unlocked Without PC

Written By Sahani Brothers on Tuesday, June 11, 2019 | 12:43:00 AM

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Oracle, The Hardware Company

Written By Sahani Brothers on Thursday, November 1, 2018 | 4:25:00 AM

For all of the dazzle of its rapidly evolving software portfolio, which includes a self-monitoring and self-patching database that also configures itself, as well as numerous cloud applications, Oracle has begun showing its credibility as a hardware vendor.
Hardware has commoditized and will not return to the prominence it had in the early days of the tech era. However, commoditization brings new opportunities simply because price-performance numbers work better. Under Oracle's tutelage, hardware has found a disciplined and important niche supporting software's expanding demands.
All of this started well before Oracle became involved in hardware with its purchase of Sun Microsystems. In the very earliest days of computing, the central computer did everything including controlling peripherals, which took up a lot of expensive cycles.
Then slowly the box housing the CPU became crowded with processor and memory-based controllers for everything from disk drives to displays. In the process, computing got faster and more versatile, in part because the CPU was doing less and could stick to its knitting.

Risk Reduction

What Oracle introduced at OpenWorld 2018 is in some ways akin to installing a controller or a graphics engine, but this time the added processing power is outside the box in multiple racks. Just as with those earlier refinements, new requirements have been driving new approaches to IT. In this case, it's all about security.
One of the problems that keeps system architects up at night is maintaining the security of what's going on in memory. Memory operations are the easiest place to disrupt a system's operations because it's only in memory that data is active and changeable. In conventional storage it just sits there. So meeting the security challenges in the market today requires insulating customer data in memory from the outside world.
Oracle has developed a two-tier strategy in its Oracle Cloud Infrastructure of having one computer -- or set of them -- interfacing with the Internet, and another set running customer data. In OCI, the IT perimeter is patrolled by bare metal servers that separate the Internet from operational computers holding and performing operations on customer data. Outsiders can't access customer data to corrupt it.
This ensures that customer data never is exposed on the machine that faces a hostile world. Other aspects of Oracle's autonomous database and its security functions more easily can patrol the control environment as well as the processing environment, while reducing exposure to a variety of risks.

New Form of Enterprise Computing?

Oracle introduced the Gen2 Cloud with these features and the name should be taken seriously; it's not simply marketing hype. Now the real question becomes whether or how fast the industry will adopt this strategy.
On the plus side, OCI is an oasis in a time of drought, but on the minus side it comes from a vendor that makes no bones about wanting to integrate solutions vertically, thus locking out competition. How comfortable do you feel with all your eggs in that basket?
The answers to these issues are several and admittedly idiosyncratic. Oracle loves standards and is involved in more than 200 standards-setting bodies. Standards involve multiple vendors and their products and provide an amount of openness.
At first blush, much of the strategy for Gen2 Cloud looks to come from an assemblage of off-the-shelf parts. Of course, it also involves Oracle's standards-based, but still proprietary, autonomous database. That database runs on proprietary hardware such as Exadata -- a specialized device that keeps databases in memory for optimum performance.
Controller board makers all built to the standards of the greater architecture -- the CPU instruction set, bus, and operating system, for instance. If the analogy holds, there's no reason we can't expect that a new form of enterprise computing can't support a similar approach with OCI or some variant of it.

My Two Bits

For much of IT's history, compute power was expensive and users went to great lengths to optimize its use. However, expense has ceased being an issue with Moore's Law playing out over the last half-century, and the question of adding a layer of computing simply to protect the system, or adding a layer of computing to support in-memory database activities, should not be much of an issue any more.
Significantly, cloud computing can make this approach to security affordable to smaller businesses, and Oracle announced an offering that can place OCI on premises in more well-heeled organizations.
As with any disruptive innovation, which is what OCI really is, there will be a lag phase as organizations come up to speed. My general observation is that as the cost of a new disruption increases, so does the time to full deployment.
However, Oracle's two-pronged approach -- delivering OCI to big firms and placing OCI in the hands of most cloud users as part of a recurring charge -- could accelerate adoption and leave us with a vastly different IT landscape in the next five years. 
The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of ECT News Network.

content and image source: https://www.technewsworld.com/story/Oracle-the-Hardware-Company-85650.html
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